African Black Soap is BAAAAACK!!!
Oh my stars it has been a long time coming! An amazing exercise in Zen, but one that is over to be sure. Many of you have also endured this process, and your reward is duly noted. Enter Coupon Code ABSZEN to receive 10% your African Black Soap bars.
Excellent for all skin types, and very helpful with everything from acne to psoriasis to eczema. The high glycerin content makes is so amazing on skin, but also what makes it so soft and mushy. Break a small piece off to take into the bath or shower, and keep the main bar wrapped in the paper far from any water source (the medicine cabinet is ideal). Alternatively you can break 1/4 of the bar into little bits into an empty liquid soap dispenser, fill with water, wait an hour, shake, and squirt! You'll be surprised how watery the solution can be and still give great lather.
Personally I love to follow up my shower experience with a light vinegar toner mist. I spritz myself with a spray bottle filled with 1/4 cup or so of vinegar (any kind), a few drops of my favourite essential oil, and the rest with water. This is a great toner to really highlight the benefits of our beloved African Black Soap!